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This Club is Alive
San Miguel de Allende H3 --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (5) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=5]

last updated: 2010-02-24 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: MEXICO / Guanajuato/ Central Mountains / San Miguel de Allende
We Hash: Every Monday 15:00  
lat/lng20.91444900N 100.745235W
Hotline (TEL #):415.154.55.56
Email: Terry_Weathers@hotmail.com
Contact 1: Robert *Pro Bono* Baines
Contact 2: Terry *Rat*
Contact 3:
Founder:Robert *Pro Bono* Baines
Cofounders:Terry *Rats Ass* Weathers
Kennel Details:
The SMAHHH meets every Monday at 3:00pm at the Longhorn Smokehouse bar and restaurant located at Calle Nueva 8. From there the Hare(s) send the Hounds to the trail start. Walking is an acceptable means to get to the beer. Pro Bono has been a Hashing all over the world since the mid-90s and was named by the Armenia HHH. Rat's Ass started running with the Amman HHH in 1983 and was named by the Aqaba HHH in 1984. He was with the Pikes Peak HHH in Colorado Springs, CO from 1988 to 2005. founded: September 18, 2006.